CSC410: Project Proposal

NPC Hide-and-Seek Game Concept

Idea: Implement an AI-driven hide-and-seek game on a compact, flat terrain with strategic elements.

Game Environment

Terrain Size 16x16 blocks
Terrain Type Flat with 2-3 generated trees
Number of NPCs 3 (1 seeker, 2 hiders)

NPC Capabilities

Implementation Steps

  1. Modularize the game structure
  2. Optimize terrain generation
  3. Design NPC AI Logic

Advanced NPC Strategies

Strategy Description
Tree Concealment Hide behind or within tree structures
Underground Burrowing Create and hide in underground spaces
Elevation Tactics Use blocks to climb and hide in high places
Cooperative Play Coordinate block removal and placement with teammates

Game Mechanics

Victory Condition: The seeker must touch a hider (implemented via raycast with 1 block distance). Upon being found, the touched player changes color and joins the seeker team.